Dragon US M48A2 Patton in 1:35 scale
Finished in 2023. This model was built for a "Patton Tank" group build at our AMPS Central Virginia chapter.
The base kit used was Dragon's Magach 1/2. The kit is marked as building either the M48A1 or A2, both of which were used by Israel. The kit provides parts to build either variant, but many A2 parts are missing and the instructions are confusing and inadequate. Voyager Models provided an excellent metal barrel. The Legend M48A2 detailing set provided more details, primarily a new mantlet with dust cover. this single peice is actually molded with the enitre front half of the turret, so the kit turret front had to be sawed off. More accurate resin wheels from DEF were installed, as well as AFV Club T97E1 separate-link tracks.
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Some parts unique to the M48A2 were made from scratch.
Pioneer tools and jerry can racks by D Vision Miniature
Jerry cans by Tasca
3D Footman loops by MJ Miniatures
Gunsight cover from Revell's M48A2
Separate fender box latches from Italeri's M47
Many missing weld lines added
Glacis horn from Revell's M48A2
General Steel casting marks from Archer Fine Transfers
Opened mud chute holes in sprockets
Added fender mounting strip below turret
Added lift rings and bolt details to commander’s cupola
Commander’s cupola dust cover is A+B putty
Bustle rack scratchbuilt from styrene strip and rod
New turret rails from styrene strip and rod
Turret hatch detailed with springs and bolt heads
Stars & unit markings are stencils, some custom made