Fine Molds Japanese Type 89 in 1:35 scale

Finished in 2015. This is the Fine Molds kit issued in three installments through the Japanese magazine Armour Modelling. The kit’s tracks were replaced with Model Kasten. The exhaust guard was made from metal sheet, diamond mesh and punched rivets. The kit’s tow cables were replaced with braided cord.

The markings and camouflage on this model represent a Type 89B that was not repainted after the camouflage directives changed in 1942. The number markings are from Archer Fine Transfers. The "Sasa no hama" bamboo leaf was sprayed using a home made stencil. The machine guns and ball mounts are Vallejo Model Air Black Grey 71056. The weapons were painted Vallejo Model Air Olive Drab 043 to represent Kokoboushoku.

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Japanese armor in 1942 was painted Tsuchi kusa iro overall and camouflaged with four colors: Tsuchi iro, Karekusa iro and Kusa iro. Tsuchi kusa iro is a color similar to khaki drab and this model was painted Lifecolor RAL 7008.

The Tsuchi iro color is dark brown and this model was painted Vallejo Model Color (VMC) 70822 German Camouflage Black Brown. Karekusa iro is a light sand color and was created using equal parts VMC 70978 Dark Yellow and Vallejo Panzer Aces 340 Afrika Korps Highlight. Kusa iro is a dark green color and for this model, two colors were combined: VMC 70898 Dark Sea Blue and Andrea Basic Yellow. The paint was applied using masks to achieve the hard-edges typical of this camouflage.



