AFV Club German Schwimmwagen Type 128 in 1:35 scale

Finished in 2014 and built straight from the box. This kit has great detail but the suspension is very fragile and easily misaligned. Since only 40 were made and was mostly used in non-combat roles, the paint finish was weathered only minimally.

The base color is Vallejo Model Air Black Grey. The decals were very thin and difficult to get into position. Following a clear matte coat, dry pigment powders were brushed on by hand and then airbrush cleaner was sprayed on with very light air pressure at a distance to leave faint dust specks. The same color was also applied as a wash.

Early war canvas was black and leather was a grey/green shade and both were applied here. The oars started out as bare plastic straight from the kit (sand colored) and they were textured with coarse sandpaper to simulate the wood grain. Transparent Brown Oxide artists’ oil paint was applied in a thick layer and allowed to dry for a few minutes, then wiped off with a dry, clean paintbrush.

The "dipstick" was a wooden pole that the crew used to gauge depth when waterborne. It was painted white, masked at intervals and painted black.




Panther Ersatz M10